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Keep Stress Out Of Your Life With These Tips

If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, you’re not the only one. Every person you see has had to battle with stress. Having techniques in place to combat stress works, and if you can find methods that work right for you, then you need to use them. Here are some great options for fighting stress.

Try to plan your week at work or school in advance, so that you do not put pressure on yourself to do everything in one day. Procrastination is one of the worst things that you can do when trying to limit stress, as you should attempt to create equilibrium as often as possible.

Take a time-out and have a mini massage. Try rubbing the palm of your right hand with the thumb of your left. Make slow, circular motions, or use a device. Focus on the rhythmic movement and feel of the massage. Check for tight spots in your neck, and massage out any knots.

Make it a habit to rate whatever is stressing you on a scale from one to ten. One being a very small issue while ten being a major stress breakdown. Often, you will find the stresses you have at hand will fall in the lower end of the spectrum. This is a great way to put your stressful situations into perspective.

Think about the relative benefits verses problems associated with being a perfectionist. When we hold ourselves to too high of standards stress can be the result. Is it really necessary that the refrigerator be wiped out every day or would every other day suffice? Does ever paper at work have to go through three editors or is one perfectly substantial?

Be wary of prescription drugs. While various prescription drugs like Valium, Xanax, and Ativan are often prescribed to treat the symptoms of anxiety, these drugs might actually have a counterproductive effect on our reaction to stress. Just as is the case with common drugs like alcohol and tobacco, prescription drugs can actually make us more sensitive to stressful events.

In order to keep your stress level under control, it would be wise to find something that you love doing. This will to keep your mind off of whatever may bring stress in your life. A little time out, if you will? This is important because many people need an activity that will help to give them an outlet, for their frustrations.

Use these methods as much as you can. Meeting stress head-on can be the most effective way to make sure that it doesn’t have a dramatic effect on you, and you can return to the rest of your life. Follow these tips and prepare for stress, and it won’t be as big a deal as it once was.

The Unseen Growth

The Unseen Growth

Last night I was on a transformational conference call. I was reluctant to get on the call because for the past 45 days I have just felt defeated. I have been trying to stuff myself into a box that appeals to everyone. In addition to that I have been dealing with loss of the upteenth magnitude. I’ve been working hard but I am hardly seeing any results. Giving up or quitting and succumbing to being average was so tempting! I have all of this going on in my head as I am slowly dialing in the numbers to get on this conference call that I DON’T WANT TO GET ON! Even as I am dialing, I have my laptop open and I am on Facebook doing 101 distracting things. I even got on 8 minutes late. As I am listening to the guest speaker share his story about perseverance, he begins talking about a bamboo tree. I am thinking, “Here we go! Another metaphor that I can neither relate to or appreciate. Great!”. But eventually I begin to listen to the story. All of a sudden, I start tearing up. Here is the story that the speaker shared:

The Story of the Bamboo Tree…

Got this email from a friend of mine:
Don’t give up….

One day I decided to quit…
I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality… I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
“God”, I asked, “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?”


His answer surprised me…
“Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?”
“Yes”, I replied.
“When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.
I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor.
Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.
And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.
“In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed.
But I would not quit.
In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would
not quit.” He said.
“Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared
to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant…But just 6
months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.
It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.
I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.”
He asked me. “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots”.
“I would not quit on the bamboo.
I will never quit on you.”
“Don’t compare yourself to others.”
He said.
“The bamboo had a different Purpose than the fern.
Yet they both make the forest beautiful.”
“Your time will come”, God said to me.
“You will rise high”
“How high should I rise?”
I asked.
“How high will the bamboo rise?” He asked in return.
“As high as it can?” I questioned.
“Yes.” He said, “Give me glory by rising as high as you can.”

Unseen Growth!

I am not quite sure what chord that the story of the bamboo tree struck with you, but the one it struck with me was loud and clear. It was a chord of hope and motivation. Often times, we feel that we are alone when we are going through tough times. Through this story we realize that struggle and growth are things that are necessary to promote EXPONENTIAL GROWTH! People may not see it, but through are hard work a system of strong roots are anchoring us so that when we do grow we stay grounded. I hope this story was as inspiring for you as it was for me.

How Can I Make a Difference?

Often times we find ourselves saying, “I want to do something more” or “I want to make a difference”! There are so many things in this world that need change or an implanting of fresh ideas. I find myself wanting to do more to make at least a ripple in this puddle of life. So where do you start? How to you become someone who makes change? Here a few steps that I took into make the transition from being an observer of life to a participator of life.

Start Making a Difference Today


  • Get Fed Up: One thing that I have noticed about life is, when you have had enough your frustration will propel into taking massive action. My mentors always tell me, “If you keep doing what you’re doing. you’ continue to get what you’ve been getting”. If day after day, you are tired of witnessing violence, tired of getting mistreated at work, or just tired of feeling unfulfilled, you will reach a point where you either decide to change or succumb to being miserable. Don’t choose the latter, that generally leads to methods of escapism to deal with what you call life.
  • Pick a Cause That Sticks To You: If you are troubled by domestic violence, support your local domestic violence organization. If obesity is something that you battle, join the fight to end obesity and become more involved. I personally chose mentoring high school girls, because I yearned for a mentor when I was a teenager. Because i am passionate about this, this is a cause that is “stuck to me”.
  • Start a Forum or Blog: Begin expressing yourself and voicing your opinion on what you would like to change. By doing this you are creating a platform for other individuals to hear your voice. Pretty soon, you will make connections with like minded individuals. This is where the magic begins!
  • Create a Movement: Now that you have connected with those that share the same passion about making change, join forces. Start a Facebook and/or MeetUp group. Create initiatives or events together and start spreading the word in your community, state, country, and eventually globally.

It only take one person to catapult a whole movement for change.

Are you going to be that person?

What are some of the things that you would like to see change?

Please comment below, let’s start today!

The Attitude of Gratitude

In everyday living it is important to practice the attitude of gratitude.  Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with what is going wrong in our lives, that we lose appreciation for what is great in our lives. So what exactly is gratitude?

Gratitude is the act of being grateful, appreciative, and thankful…

I recently heard someone say, “Things happen for you, not to you. And everything that happens for you whether it is good or bad, you should be thankful for”. Wow!! That was truly a unique perspective for me to accept and digest. But what I noticed was that the more I looked at life through the lens of gratitude, I was able to manage my emotions and feeling better.  It is challenging but definitely possible! Here are a few things that will encourage the attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude Practices

  • Remain Positive:  I truly believe that our thoughts and feeling are controlled like a switch. You can turn them on and off. The difficult part is recognizing the switch and utilizing it. It takes much discipline to be positive. It takes no discipline whatsoever to be negative. The more disciplined that we are with our positive thoughts and actions. We will be able to make the “switch” whenever we feel negativity creeping in.
  • Enjoy life: Often times we are just existing in life, and we don’t take the time to truly “smell the roses”. I know that it sounds cliché but it’s so true. Life is so beautiful and wonderful! But we forget because we are busy at work, with the kids, meetings, social media, emails, etc. All of these things distract us from all of the blessings that surround us every day. So to partake in this particular cliché is not wrong at all.
  • Be Grateful for Yourself: We need to love ourselves more. And by this I do not mean from a position of vanity, but simple be thankful for who you are…flaws and all. There are things about you that are unique to you and because of that you are an asset to this world! So start being grateful for you being you!
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal: Begin documenting all of the things that you are thankful for every day. By doing this you will allow yourself to seek out things to be grateful for throughout the day.

The New Attitude of Gratitude

Once we see life’s obstacles and trials as lesson to be learned we can start being grateful for them. Remember, things don’t happen to you they happen for you! I hope that you take these lessons learned and overwhelm yourself with the attitude of gratitude. Once you begin looking at life through this perspective, many other things will start to change positively by default. You will see a significant difference in your career, business, relationships, etc. Here’s to your success!

Order, Order, Order!!!

Good Morning Everyone!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was filled with reflection, analyzing and planning. Since I have the moniker,  The Life Architect, I should practice what I preach right? My main message is Design Your Life…Build Your Future. This is what I help people to do, all day every day. But I have a confession…I haven’t been following my own advice and message (yikes!). I have allowed life’s turns and twists sway me back and forth in different directions. It’s even evident in my blog posts! August and September has been a little hay wire, but I recognized it and now I am taking action and living a Designed Life. Now don’t get worried I will not be boring or unlike myself, I will simply have more structure. And structure is good!

For those of you who do not know, I am an entrepreneur, mother, life coach, social media strategist, etc. It seems like a lot but it only becomes overwhelming when I don’t have a system. I want to continue to provide all of you with quality content, so to do that my blog will be as follow:

  • Mondays-Marketing/Business/Entrepreneurship
  • Tuesdays-Relationships
  • Wednesdays-Spirituality
  • Thursdays-Health and Wellness
  • Fridays-Personal Development
  • Saturdays-Social Media
  • Sundays-The Art of Blogging

I look forward to sharing my experience, expertise, and thoughts in all of these areas! I will be setting up an email list so that we can stay connected. I will be launching my website soon and I want you all to be apart of it!!

Design Your Life…Build Your Future!

3 Steps To Your Best Life

3 Steps

We are all striving for a better life in whatever way we know how, but there are 3 critical steps in attaining your best life that don’t take rocket science.

As I reflect on the memory of 9/11, I become overwhelmed with gratitude and a renewed vigor for life. Sometimes we concentrate on all of things that are not perfect in life that we lose focus on all of the good things that are present in our life. It is in this state of reflection that can be the jump off point for us to take real action steps toward the life that has been calling all of us.

No matter where you are currently, most of us would say that there is room for improvement either financially, physically or spiritually. The following 3 steps will provide a system of attainment that will assist you in uncovering your best life:

3 Steps To Your Best Life:

  1. Identify and Define:Start a journal or utilize a journaling app and focus on these 5 areas of your life:
  • Finances/Money
  • Business/Career
  • Friends/Family
  • Mindset/Health
  • Giving Back To The World                                                                                                                                                                      ***Feel free to add other areas as you see fit.***


In the first section: Write down a vision of what you want in that particular area (ex. Mindset/Health: Identify = I want to be physically fit. Define = 100 sit ups per day)

In the second section: Write down signs of your life right now in the present that prove to you that your goal is going to come to you easily. (Ex: I was born into a healthy body, and I am capable of exercising. I can currently do 10 sit ups) – Feel free to come back and add to this list until you reach your goal of 100 sit ups.

This is in alignment with the concept of acknowledging where you are and making a connection with your vision of the future.

  1. Gratitude
  • Think about and write down 5 things in your personal life that you are grateful for in last 24 hours.
  • Think about and write down 5 things in your business/professional life that you are grateful for in the last 24 hours.
  1. Recognize the Negative Stories That You Tell Yourself and Get Rid of Them!

(ex. “You have to suffer for success”, “Money is evil”, “You have to have money in order to make money”, etc.)

We all have “stories” that we tell ourselves that subconsciously rule our decisions. That explains why we fail to do what we know intellectually is good for us. We often live our lives in a pattern, but most of us don’t recognize the pattern. The moment you begin to notice your pattern is the moment of clarity that brings forth further awakening and your evolution.

If you are ready to follow these 3 steps to your best life and develop your business and your life into what you desire… CLICK HERE

Just Take The First Step


I want to…but I am scared.

New beginnings and journeys can be frightening and sometimes overwhelming but it’s important to simply take the first step. But life has a way of forcing you to go into the direction of your destiny. Once you submit to your destiny, you can now make the universe bend in your favor.

We all have been systematically programmed since we were children: Go to school, come home, go to sleep, wake up and repeat. As we get older, we replace school with work and then repeat the same mundane routine, over and over again. Where is the living in that? Why do we have to squeeze time in to do the things that we enjoy and love because so much of our time is devoted to the programmed routine?

The Shift

Once, maybe twice in a lifetime we will take part in the crossroad experience. This is an event in which we know if we go in one direction or the other our lives will never be the same. I personally experienced this about 8 years ago. I was battling with a prescription pain medicine addiction and one day I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw myself strung out on something much worse and I was unrecognizable. I knew that from that vision I had to take immediate action and move back home with my parents and I did. It was difficult because I had a life of my own and I was independent but I was slowly killing myself. I had the ultimate shift. Had I not made that decision, my life would be completely different or better yet non-existent. Maybe you have not had to battle addiction but are stuck in a purposeless job, unfulfilled relationship, etc., and you need to break from it. Today you can experience the shift…

Today’s Mission: Take the First Step…it will always be the scariest step. However, after you take that first step you will discover courage, purpose, and strength. These are the necessary tools for success and truly living a life of abundance!

The Power of Being Still


Stop and Be…

I am always reluctant to share with the world about the “inner voices” that I hear. In all actuality they aren’t voices but my thoughts amplified throughout my consciousness. The other night my thoughts were consumed with one dominate message, Be Still. Being a parent and entrepreneur that can be very, very, difficult. But I did it anyway and I was able to see and hear all that I needed to know about my position in life and well as the forecast of my future.

As humans, we are the only creatures that can not only see but also hear our thoughts. This uniqueness allows us to be in control over what we think. BUT many of us do not realize that we have this power and we relinquish ourselves to our thoughts instead of vice versa. Here is a great exercise that will allow you to see the power that you have over your thoughts:

Harness Your Thoughts

In order to change the way that you think you must observe what you think. And the best way to do that is to Be Still.

Today’s Mission:Allow yourself the luxury of experiencing stillness. You may birth new ideas, perspectives, and/ or solutions for your life!

Reflect Today…Change Tomorrow

The Power of Reflection

Reflection on one’s current situation eventually leads to an assessment of what is and what should be.

The Bendable Universe


A Stranger’s Advice

If you look at the picture above, everything surrounding the illuminating object is conforming and bending around it. Two days ago, I had a very deep conversation with a complete stranger. In just a few short minutes this individual identifies, dissected and analyzed the obstacles in my life without me saying ONE WORD! This person then gave me instructions on how to change my mindset and allow the universe to bend according to my purpose. This wasn’t the first time I was introduced to this “Universe bending” theory. Awhile back, I read an article on which featured a video of Will Smith outlining what it takes to make the universe bend to your will (no pun intended).

Typically my blogs offer advice, encourage dialogue, and sometimes provide solutions to problems that many of us face today. Today’s blog, however, is more self reflective and a jump off point of my paradigm shift. If you find yourself in a similar position as my self, I implore you to join me on this journey.

Today’s Mission: Eliminate all limits and fears and BELIEVE!