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The Power of A Dream Team

Dream TeamThis weekend in Austin, Texas was absolutely amazing. I always have heard the saying, “There is power in a team”, and this image shows that. This weekend I was at the Empower Network “Release Your Inner Bad A**” event and all I can say is, OMG!!

First, I have never met any of these people in person a day in my life, but the out pour of love and compassion was simply overwhelming. I was greeted with so much love and acceptance, I was moved to tears a few times. I masterminded with those that have been through struggle and trials, but managed to manifest a better life for themselves because of Empower Network.

Second, I have never seen company owners who are so invested in their leaders. They truly treat them like kings and queens. This creates a culture of leadership and development that is something that I have never seen before.

Prior to boarding the plane to Austin, I thought that this was going to be a typical business event. That was so far from the truth! I sat up until the wee hours of the night being encouraged, inspiring others, sharing goals and dreams, and having so much fun. When I heard the name of the event, “Release Your Inner Bad A**”, I didn’t know what to expect. It sounded like a WWF Live event :). But now I truly understand the concept behind the theme. Through all of the amazing testimonies, I realized that releasing your inner bad a** meant becoming the best you that you can be. It means taking your dreams out of your and putting them before you. It means being excited to BE YOURSELF It means doing all that you can to live your life, impact others, and start experiencing life instead of just existing in it.

Design Your Life,

Candace M. Braddock

P.S. If you would like to experience freedom of self, being apart of an amazing team, and making all of your dreams come true, I highly suggest that you CLICK HERE, and let’s start LIVING TODAY!

Look Guys, I am Sorry…

Little Girl Crying

I know that you have not heard from me lately. Many things have been happening in my life. I just moved and I am excited about the next 3 months.
I am packing (AGAIN) as we speak for my trip to Austin, TX.
This is the first time that I will be traveling alone in my life.
I didn’t want to go…
I am actually still afraid.
But one thing that I have learned over the years is that you have to do things, AFRAID.

I am going to a  LIVE EVENT with my company.
I have been building my business online for the last 5 months and I have had moderate results.
And I think I know why…I was missing one last step that all of the multi-millionaire earners tell you to do…
I never went to an event…
So now I am going and I am excited!!!
I have a neat camera and I will be sharing all kinds of videos and pictures with you guys when I come back.

Until Next Time,


P.S. If you are interested in building a business, while having a life at the same time by blogging, CLICK HERE!

Word of The Day-Expedite

Word of the Day- ExpediteHi Again! Okay, so yesterday we said that we were going to “subdue” our destiny. I shared with you how procrastination was something that inhibited me from taking action in the past. So imagine my surprise when I was searching for a Word of the Day and I stumbled upon the word EXPEDITE. How appropriate!

How many times have you ordered something online and you wanted it so bad, that you may have paid an extra $20-$30 to have the shipping expedited? I know I have. I was so impatient that just to have that “thing” an extra day was so satisfying to me.

In 2013, I set the intention that I will approach every area of my life with the same sense of urgency. It is ironic that the things we tend to expedite certain things and not others. For instance, I am writing a book and to be honest it was supposed to be done months ago! I kept putting it off and procrastinating. However, I have been urgent with things that are not as relevant….hmmm.  So what has to change? We need to make a list of five projects, goals, etc., that will make a huge impact on our lives. Now that we have that list we know what needs to be expedited, let’s figure out how to tackle these things

“To accelerate the process or progress of”

Here are a few tips that will help us expedite things that are of priority in our lives.

  • Make a To Do List….everyday!!! If we don’t know what needs to be done, how the heck can we hurry up and complete it. If you are like me, you may think that you can remember everything, but you just can’t. A tool that I like to use is Evernote. You can download it right onto your smartphone or tablet and you have your To Do List along with other cool features right at your finger tips.
  • Sacrifice Sleep: I know that it sounds harsh, but sleep is a luxury. I have interviewed many successful people and they all have told me that on their road to success, that had to sacrifice sleep. Does that mean sleep all together and we need to become zombies? No, not at all. However, we do not need 8-10 hours of sleep, especially when there is work to be done. So if your To Do List has plenty of pertinent things that need to be “crossed off” , do not go to sleep until they are finished. Look this is a temporary sacrifice for a long term gain. You will be okay….trust me.
  • Get an Accountability Partner: You need someone who is going to refocus you, if you decide to procrastinate or fall behind. Make sure that you choose someone who is at a higher level than yourself. You want to be pushed towards greatness. It may sting at first, but it will be worth it.

There are other strategies and tips, but this will get you going on the right track.

Candace M. Braddock

Design Your Life, Build Your Future

P.S. If you would like more tips or inspirational advice sign up for my newsletter!

Don’t Be Afraid To Win, The Dangers of Self-Sabotage

Don't Be Afraid To Win

I was reading an article on, that covered the infamous topic of: Self Sabotage. I started Google’ing this topic after watching a webinar of one of my mentors, Nicole Cooper. now I have heard her throw around this term plenty of times but I never really wrapped my head around the concept of it. You must imagine my surprise when I discovered that not only was aware of this behavior, but it was a “disorder” essentially, subconsciously took over my life.

What is Self-Sabotage?

There are several definitions of the word sabotage, but I think that this one is best suited for this topic.

Sabotage: any undermining of a cause

So when referring to yourself, using this definition, self sabotage would mean the undermining of YOUR CAUSE.

Okay, now let’s dig deeper.

What does undermining mean?

Undermine: to attack by indirect, secret, or underhand means; attempt to subvert by stealth.

So to participate in self-sabotage, means that you are: Indirectly, secretly, UNCONSCIOUSLY attacking yourself, your life, your destiny.

Wow, right! That definition is pretty much spot on when you think about it. More often times then not we are self sabotaging ourselves by the way that we think and by the things that we do.

But what is even more devastating are the things that we DON’T DO.

All of the things that we think about and all of the things that we know we can do but just simply don’t take action.

Imagine you are a long distance runner preparing for the Olympic race and you know that they can out-run their opponent,

but as soon as the gun goes off..

you do NOTHING.

You imagine life as a winner and it scares you.

You are scared to win…

You may think that you are not worthy of winning, or no one will like you if you are a winner.

Is this what you are thinking?


Or maybe not. What I can tell you, is that this is what I have thought about over and over again. I see myself winning.

I see myself empowering people. I see myself becoming a millionaire and I FREEZE!

I start thinking that I am not ready to win, and you know what, that’s a LIE!

We are all destined for greatness and deserve to win. Winning is something that we should not fear. Neither is prosperity. We always associate wealthy with evil and poor with good. And that is not true! It is possible for you to be a good wealthy person. Or an influential, prosperous person. You have to believe in yourself and believe that you are worth it… ALL OF IT!

Here are some great tips from

  1. Consciously take responsibility for your life. When you set out to do something, write it down and take responsibility for it. Adopt a goal-oriented life philosophy: that it’s not about what you do (amount of hours you spend at work), but what you achieve (number of patients you helped). That way you give your excuses less grip on the amount of effort you put into what you do.
  2. Identify your defense mechanism. Those of you who are frequent readers of Psych Central might have come across an excellent article about common defense mechanismsby John Grohol, PsyD. Look at the list and watch what you say to yourself to justify your self-sabotage. We all have a few favorites.Identification is a powerful psychological mechanism to help you conquer the subconscious habits you engage in. To defeat an enemy, you must first know who you are dealing with.
  3. Change your perception of your abilities. A 2007 study by social psychologist Jason Plaks found that people who view their abilities as fixed were more likely to be anxious when they face dramatic success, causing them to perform worse in subsequent tests.

Once you begin to understand how our complicated mind works, you can start to identify certain behaviors for what the truly are and fix them!

Candace M. Braddock Let’s Win Together!!

P.S. I love helping people who are involved in Network Marketing, MLM, and Leads-Based businesses. I coach people on how to grow their current businesses using Blogging, Attraction Marketing and Social Media. If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire, —–>CLICK HERE<—– and Let’s Win Together!

The Mom That Stole Christmas

The Mom Who Stole Christmas

I can’t believe that I did what I did. Did I really just take all of the money that I had set aside for my son and family’s Christmas gifts and spend it on a BUSINESS EVENT?!?! I am truly a GRINCH! I actually just stole Christmas.

These are the thoughts that went through my head last night after I hit “Buy Now” button. But when I woke up, I had a totally different attitude and I don’t feel like the Grinch who stole Christmas anymore, and here’s why…

I knew that over the past few months I haven’t went full throttle with my business. I haven’t given it my all. I wasn’t fully committed. I didn’t take MASSIVE ACTION. I was just ho-humming and shuffling my feet. Do you want to know why? It’s because I actually thought that life is going to WAIT for me to finally get it together and be successful. This is what I thought! But what I finally have come to understand is that time waits for no one…at ALL! This is what has happened as a result of me procrastinating in 2012:

  • Travel: I have not been ANYWHERE this year with my family
  • Clothes: I have not bought any new clothes this year, aside from a pair of jeans and a blazer.
  • Bills: I fell behind in my credit card bills. Why because I was investing money and not ACTION into my business.
  • Spirituality: I’ve been afraid to talk to God, because I felt ashamed of not living a life of abundance (mind, body, soul).

There have been more things but you get the drift. Procrastination has stopped me from living life, I have simply been watching. We are not supposed to be observers of our own life, we are supposed to be participants…ACTIVE participants.

So How Did This Mom Steal Christmas?

I made the decision to commit to my online business and attend our huge event in Austin, Texas. This is the 3rd event that my company has had and the first that one that I actually made a decision to go to. I made the decision that this was going to be the last year that I didn’t take MASSIVE ACTION. I made the decision that this is going to be the last year that I don’t go on at least 5 vacations. I made the decision that this is going to be the last year that I don’t make 6 figures. I made the decision that this was going to be the last year that I hold onto excess weight, weight that has caused be to not have as much energy. I made the decision to finish the book that I have been working on forever. I made the decision that I do not want to carry any of my 2012 baggage into 2013! But in order to bring this vision into fruition, I had to postpone the gift giving this year. Some people think that I am selfish and to that I say, “You must not know me”! I am sacrificing Christmas this year, so that my son can spend Christmas with Mickey Mouse next year. I am sacrificing Christmas this year so that I can send my mother away for her birthday instead of buying her a cake and card. I am sacrificing Christmas this year, so that everyday in 2013 will be Christmas. This is my goal, my plan my mission. Anyone else out there with me?

Let’s Win Together!

Candace M. Braddock

P.S. I love helping people who are involved in Network Marketing, MLM, and Leads-Based businesses. I coach people on how to grow their current businesses using Blogging, Attraction Marketing and Social Media. If you are ready to develop yourself, your business and your life into what you desire, —–>CLICK HERE<—– and Let’s Win Together!

Stop Being a Wantrepreneur

Stop Being A Wantreprenenur

Stop Being A Wantreprenenur

I posted this quote in a few groups on Facebook yesterday, and I got an overwhelming response.

“The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance.
Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you
find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” -Debbi Fields

Having only been a true entrepreneur for about 6 days, my breakthrough came when I realized that I never really attached myself to my passion. Now you maybe laughing at me and saying, “6 days as an entrepreneur?”

Let me explain…

I have been CLAIMING to be an entrepreneur for almost 3 years now, when really all that I was was a WANTREPRENEUR. Now you may be asking yourself, “what’s the heck is a “wantrepreneur”? That is someone who wants to be an entrepreneur but really hasn’t taken the mandatory steps and the massive action that it necessary to become a person that is truly 100% about their business. I was so busy being busy and preparing to get ready to setup to get ready to almost be ready to think about getting ready to start.

Does this sound familiar? If you are a true entrepreneur, probably not. But if you are anything like I was you can relate completely.I was missing some key steps that I want to share with you, so that if you are in “Wantrepreneur Mode”, you can get out of it…quick, fast, and in a hurry!

Stop Being a Wantrepreneur…

  • Identify: You must identify your goals. We are approaching the new year, and you must have your 2013 goals written down somewhere or uploaded onto an app on your smartphone or tablet. As a matter of fact there are 13 days left in 2012, and there are probably some goals from this year that you still have time to complete. Try not to go into 2013 with an overflow of things that you didn’t do in 2012. Let’s Get ‘Er Done!
  • Obsession: Your passion/business must become your obsession at least for the next 90 days. Meaning you wake up early and go to sleep late because you are obsessed with success. Will it always have to be like this? Heck no! But if you stay committed and focused you will find that after 90 days of grinding, you will be in position to reap tremendous benefits! You can actually apply this to almost anything: saving money, losing weight, becoming more spiritual, etc.
  • Plan: You have to have a business plan. Point. Blank. Period. You can not be an entrepreneur with out having a plan for your business. Even if you are apart of a bigger company, you are still the CEO of you! You need to have a map that is going to outline in detail what it’s going to take for you to get from where you currently are to where you want are going to be.
  • Re-ignite: Every time you want to drive your car, you have to get in and start the car. If you stop somewhere and get out, in order to drive off again, you have to start the car again, right? Absolutely! You have to apply this to yourself and your business as well. Your day may start off like this: You are excited, you listened to something motivational, you start being productive and then BAM! Something happens, that makes you stop. But what normally occurs is that we stay at a stand still, not realizing that we have to IMMEDIATELY do whatever it took for us to be motivated earlier in the day, so that we can continue our journey. This may happen 2, 3, 12 times a day and it is important that we RE-IGNITE ourselves each and every time that this happens. I am so passionate about this point because this is the area that I had to truly focus on in order to create massive success in every facet of my life: Mind, body, and spirit.

I have had a lot of time in the past couple of months to put life into perspective. I have experienced highs, lows, tragedies and triumphs, and it is my goal to inspire and uplift you through my journey. I hope this post gives you some insight and encouragement.

Let’s Win Together!

Candace M. Braddock

Manage Your Time, Manage Your Life

How many times have you looked at the clock and say, “where did the time go”? This happens to all of us!  In this blog post I just want to show you the importance of how if you manage your time, you manage your life.

Manage your time…manage your life

Motivation: You have to be motivated to manage your time. It takes effort and determination to want to change the way that you think about time. Motivation is key!

Prioritize: Often times we are so busy doing things that are not a priority and that have nothing to do with our goals. This “busy-ness” gives the illusion that we are being productive. Whether you are a parent, entrepreneur, and/or corporate executive, you should always prioritize the tasks that are most important. By doing this you will find that you are maximizing your time and getting more important things done.

Schedule: Plan EVERYTHING. There are plenty of apps, widgets, and functions that will help us create and adhere to a schedule. Schedule a time for everything-even leisurely things such as reading, eating, and/or meditating. By doing this you will eliminate all of those “lost hours” that you could have used doing something more productive.

Focus: Concentrate on completing your tasks. If that means that you have to go into a quiet room, the library, computer lab, etc., than do it!!! You will be amazed at what you can do in an hour if you just focus and concentrate.

Set Goals: This is so important!!! You have to set goals in order to make an effective schedule. Your goals will give you the structure for your schedule. Once you clearly define what your goals are, you can then outline what it is that you need to do during the day, week, month, year, in order to achieve them.

As you can see all of these things work together! Motivation–>Set Goals–>Prioritize–>Schedule–>Focus! If you do these things every day, you will be amazed at the results! Time management is the key to ultimate success!

Let’s Win Together!

The College Entrepreneur

Today I was walking through a college campus and I was reflecting on my college days. I was thinking about how easy my life would have been if I would have became a college entrepreneur.

When you go to college, most likely you will find an on campus job for extra money. But quickly you realize that the money isn’t enough for books, clothes, and/or activities that you would like to be apart of. So what do most students do?

  • Max Out their Student Loans
  • Open up Multiple Credit Cards
  • Borrow money from Mom and Dad

The first three options have you in the RED with someone else. Many college students are graduating with mountains of debt that the acquired from college. The last option lessens the amount of time that you should be focused on the very reason why you are in college…TO LEARN!!!!

Become a College Entrepreneur

Here are some benefits of becoming a college entrepreneur

Unlimited Networks: A college environment is an entrepreneurs dream! In every class, study group, dining hall, and dorm hallway you have access to different people every day!

Awesome Resources: College computer labs and facilities are equipped with the best software and equipment that you will need to grow your business. This is what your “Activity Fee” pays for, so USE IT!!!

Like Minds = Masterminds: You will be able to connect with others who may have a similar vision and are willing to collaborate with you, i.e. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, the Google Boys.

Find Your Passion and Capitalize on It!

So what should I do? There are plenty of ways that you can generate income while in college that will not get in the way of your studies. If you like styling hair become an on campus stylist. If you are great and proof reading and editing, start your own proofreading business. Due some research on internet marketing, if you find the right company you can make money on auto pilot while you sleep!

Whatever avenue that you choose, consider being a college entrepreneur before borrowing money or overwhelming yourself with another job.

To Your Success,

The Life Architect

Become a Global Entrepreneur Without Leaving Home

These days starting an becoming a global entrepreneur from home has never been easier!

Whether you are an affiliate marketer, business manager, or writer, there are an infinite number of ways to make money leveraging the Internet.

While it does take some serious commitment and hard work (just like anything else worth succeeding at), more and more people are becoming their own boss by turning their passions into legitimate enterprises online.

What makes the Internet so attractive is that it will instantly allow you to participate in the global economy…without leaving your home.

What a cost effective way to reach millions of potential customers!
Not only can you tap into your local markets, putting your business online opens up the gateways to international commerce. Ever thought of selling your books in Italy, or servicing an international client who needs web design services?

It’s possible online and you don’t need any more than an internet connection and some basic knowledge to make it happen.

Find a Niche
The very first step is finding out who your target market is going to be. Who needs what you have to offer, and where do you find them online? There are a number of free tools that will help you determine your target audience. Use Google Analytics to find out who you are appealing to the most, and then cater your services and content to target those people directly. Another great tool is Google Global Market Finder. It can show you where there’s demand for your keywords – and your products.

Choose Your Platform
How will you deliver your content to your audience? If you have a physical product to sell, you may want to consider listing your business with sites like Amazon, eBay and Etsy. Google Product Search allows you to upload your products through the Google Merchant Center, with links back to your store. You may also want to sell directly from your blog or website.

Making Your Business Accessible
To make money in your online business, it’s important to be able to drive organic traffic to your site and convert visitors to buyers. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and your services, products and prices are displayed in the local currency. You also want to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to purchase from you. Giving your visitors the best experience possible while they are on your site is guaranteed to increase sales. Also, make sure visitors and customers can get in contact with you through a customer support platform that makes it simple for them to ask questions and get prompt responses.

Other details you’ll want to research are shopping carts and payment processors. How will people pay for your services? Does everyone have access to PayPal, or do you need to have other options, such as credit card or e-check payments. You’ll also need to think about shipping if you’re sending products overseas. If you create and sell digital products, customers can be redirected to a download page once their transaction is complete.

Go Social

Leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is a great way to connect with customers and engage with potential prospects. There are a ton of new opportunities that come from utilizing social media platforms. Not only is it a great way to connect, you can drive leads, build your credibility and brand exposure, as well as find new partnership opportunities. Social media continues to prove to be a hotspot for networking, sharing ideas, and picking up advice.

Becoming a successful global entrepreneur does take some work, and there are no shortcuts for success. There will be many learning experiences, missteps and challenges, but if you do your research, develop a solid marketing plan, and put in the work, your business will flourish. Once you have a formula that works, stick to it and the payoff can be extraordinary. Becoming a global entrepreneur allows you to open up the gates of the Internet and welcome prospects from all over the world – without leaving your home.

Order, Order, Order!!!

Good Morning Everyone!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was filled with reflection, analyzing and planning. Since I have the moniker,  The Life Architect, I should practice what I preach right? My main message is Design Your Life…Build Your Future. This is what I help people to do, all day every day. But I have a confession…I haven’t been following my own advice and message (yikes!). I have allowed life’s turns and twists sway me back and forth in different directions. It’s even evident in my blog posts! August and September has been a little hay wire, but I recognized it and now I am taking action and living a Designed Life. Now don’t get worried I will not be boring or unlike myself, I will simply have more structure. And structure is good!

For those of you who do not know, I am an entrepreneur, mother, life coach, social media strategist, etc. It seems like a lot but it only becomes overwhelming when I don’t have a system. I want to continue to provide all of you with quality content, so to do that my blog will be as follow:

  • Mondays-Marketing/Business/Entrepreneurship
  • Tuesdays-Relationships
  • Wednesdays-Spirituality
  • Thursdays-Health and Wellness
  • Fridays-Personal Development
  • Saturdays-Social Media
  • Sundays-The Art of Blogging

I look forward to sharing my experience, expertise, and thoughts in all of these areas! I will be setting up an email list so that we can stay connected. I will be launching my website soon and I want you all to be apart of it!!

Design Your Life…Build Your Future!