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Word of The Day-Expedite

Word of the Day- ExpediteHi Again! Okay, so yesterday we said that we were going to “subdue” our destiny. I shared with you how procrastination was something that inhibited me from taking action in the past. So imagine my surprise when I was searching for a Word of the Day and I stumbled upon the word EXPEDITE. How appropriate!

How many times have you ordered something online and you wanted it so bad, that you may have paid an extra $20-$30 to have the shipping expedited? I know I have. I was so impatient that just to have that “thing” an extra day was so satisfying to me.

In 2013, I set the intention that I will approach every area of my life with the same sense of urgency. It is ironic that the things we tend to expedite certain things and not others. For instance, I am writing a book and to be honest it was supposed to be done months ago! I kept putting it off and procrastinating. However, I have been urgent with things that are not as relevant….hmmm.  So what has to change? We need to make a list of five projects, goals, etc., that will make a huge impact on our lives. Now that we have that list we know what needs to be expedited, let’s figure out how to tackle these things

“To accelerate the process or progress of”

Here are a few tips that will help us expedite things that are of priority in our lives.

  • Make a To Do List….everyday!!! If we don’t know what needs to be done, how the heck can we hurry up and complete it. If you are like me, you may think that you can remember everything, but you just can’t. A tool that I like to use is Evernote. You can download it right onto your smartphone or tablet and you have your To Do List along with other cool features right at your finger tips.
  • Sacrifice Sleep: I know that it sounds harsh, but sleep is a luxury. I have interviewed many successful people and they all have told me that on their road to success, that had to sacrifice sleep. Does that mean sleep all together and we need to become zombies? No, not at all. However, we do not need 8-10 hours of sleep, especially when there is work to be done. So if your To Do List has plenty of pertinent things that need to be “crossed off” , do not go to sleep until they are finished. Look this is a temporary sacrifice for a long term gain. You will be okay….trust me.
  • Get an Accountability Partner: You need someone who is going to refocus you, if you decide to procrastinate or fall behind. Make sure that you choose someone who is at a higher level than yourself. You want to be pushed towards greatness. It may sting at first, but it will be worth it.

There are other strategies and tips, but this will get you going on the right track.

Candace M. Braddock

Design Your Life, Build Your Future

P.S. If you would like more tips or inspirational advice sign up for my newsletter!

Word of the Day-Subdue

Word of the Day Subdue

Hello Everyone!! I am excited about sharing “A Word A Day” with you. I will be drawing these words from various sources. This morning I was reading an article on New York, and I found the word subdue. For the sake of this post I am going to use this specific definition:

” get on top of; deal with successfully”

I have seen the word subdue used in reference to excessive force by police officers, but I never seen the word used from this perspective before. So since it is a “new year”, let’s start to look at words from a new vantage point! I believe that it is time to SUBDUE our lives. Meaning, it is time to get on top of our goals, intentions, and plans AND deal with them successfully! I don’t know about you but there are somethings that I have allowed to inhibit me from subduing my destiny. Here are a few:

  • Procrastination: I tend to over think things and that puts me in a state of “Paralysis of Analysis” and what happens is…I do nothing :(. I now know that in order for me to subdue my destiny, I have to let that ugly trait of being a procrastinator go. If you are like me, don’t worry about things being perfect, just do it! You will never know what to improve upon if you don’t put yourself out there and receive some criticism. It’s okay to let someone give you their opinion. Take the good with the bad and improve upon what you can. Failures expose greatness and create blueprints for what NOT to do.
  • Stinking Thinking: “I don’t deserve success” “I am not worthy of greatness” Those are some examples of what I used to tell myself. Not because I had low self esteem, but because I felt like I always had to put others before myself and help others reach their goals FIRST. Now don’t get me wrong, you should want to help others…always. BUT if you have not followed your own advice and get yourself on track, how can you even help others? One thing that I have learned over the years is : “Inspiration comes from examples”. Being able to see the results of your advice as opposed to just the advice itself. So I had to learn not to be a “quote grabber” and start being a “quote liver” (I think I just made up a term…but you get the point :)…)

These are the two most detrimental aspects of my mindset that I had to get rid of in order to subdue my destiny, my passion, my future.

What are some of the things that are holding you back from subduing your destiny?

I hope that this post has helped you as much as it has helped me to be cathartic and share it with you!

Share your thoughts below!!

Design Your Life!

Candace M. Braddock

P.S. Sign Up for my newsletter on Designing Your Life!

The First Day of 2013

The Word For the Day: ANEW

One of the definitions for anew, according to means:

in a new or different form

I know that you probably have been bombarded with thoughts of “new years resolutions” and all types of hype. Some think that New Year’s resolutions are taboo or all hype. I do not believe that you should wait until the beginning of the new year to change, But I do feel that if you are yearning for change close to the New Year, it is a perfect time to start.

Here’s why…

The fact remains that with some things in your life, the clock has been reset. Major strides in life often happen in 60-90 day cycles and then 6 month and 12 month cycles. For example, you can either destroy or rebuild your credit in 12 months. However, it is what you do in those 60-90 days that contribute to the annual result. Let’s look at weight loss, (fortunately it is a popular subject) a person can lose 100lbs in 1 year, but what cannot be ignored is DAY 1…The start day. The day you start is the most pivotal day of your life, it is when your perspective, your energy, and your actions are all made anew.

The First Day Is a Beautiful Day!

Here is the perspective that I am adopting on this new day of this new year: Every day is the FIRST day. Now I don’t mean that you can keep “doing over” life each day. However, it is important that you know that you have the opportunity to make each day the best day possible. If you keep that perspective and focus, you will find that 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 1 year down the line you have achieved things that you never dreamed of.

Lesson For Today: Don’t focus on the year, month, or the week. Focus on today…the most beautiful day ever! Every day that you wake up, you have a chance to LIVE. Treat every day as a gift and you will feel more fulfilled and honored to receive it.

Create each day anew.
~Morihei Ueshiba

Design Your Life!

Candace M. Braddock