Tag Archive | mentor

Are You an Expert at What You Do?


How many of us would like to be an expert? Most of us I’m sure. However, it’s almost impossible to become an expert at anything if you are focused on everything. Here are some steps that will guide you down the road towards becoming an expert:

  1. Focus: Choose on ONE area of expertise.
  2. Research: Read books, blogs, magazines, etc., on your chosen topic.
  3. Study: Become a true student. Align yourself with a mentor and ask for advice
  4. Obsession: If you truly want to be an expert you can not be distracted by anything else. Become a fanatic.
  5. Teach and Repeat: Once you become an expert, teach what you have learned and repeat the process. Create apprentices to continue the movement.

Share with me your comments and ways that you mastered your craft!

The Stress-Free Teenager



As we mature into adults, many of us forget what it was like to be a teenager. I always hear parents saying, “I don’t know what is wrong with her ?” or “He needs to snap out of it!”. How easily we forget the challenges and struggles of  being a teenager: Good Grades, Self Esteem, Relationships, Spirituality, Finances, etc. I mentor rising high school seniors and I was overwhelmed by their responses to the question, “What causes you stress?”. I came up with a few solutions to aid them in reducing certain stress factors in their lives.


  1. Create Your Own Personal Escape- this can be in the form of prayer, reading, listening to music, talking a walk,etc. Whatever activity you can do alone that will allow you to decompress.
  2. F.O.C.U.S.- Follow One Course Until Successful, try not to focus on too many things at once. When your ‘To Do List’  exceeds 5 things, it becomes overwhelming.
  3. Take Care Of Yourself- Mind, Body, and Soul. Monitor the food and drink that goes into your body. Evaluate your thoughts and ideas.

These suggestions will not eliminate ALL of the stress in your life,  but it will be a start to managing the stress- causing agents in your life.


Who Is Your Partner?



one that shares, one associated with another especially in an action.


Have you ever felt that you could do everything by yourself, only to find out that you were sadly mistaken? Are you looking to improve or excel in an area of life? If this is you then you probably need a partner or partners. Hey Batman had Robin, Cagney had Lacey, Starsky had Hutch, and so on and so forth. You need someone too! Right now, I am on a mission to improve EVERY facet of my life from business, to spirituality, to image, to health, and everything in between. I have realized that I can not re-invent myself by myself Why, you ask? This is because I am not an expert in any of these arenas and I need to align myself with those who are experts to achieve OPTIMAL results.

Many people assume that their significant other should be the person that can be their ALL-AROUND partner. And while some people are lucky enough to have a husband or wife that will CONSISTENTLY work-out with them, go to church with them, give sound business, beauty, and health advice, most of us just aren’t that lucky. Now that is not to say that over time your significant other can’t help you in all of these areas, because they can if they want to. But initially, that is a lot of pressure and assumed roles to put on any one person.

So I challenge you today, to examine the areas of life that you wish to improve. Write them down. Then find a mentor, coach, or advisor who will help you set goals and and plan out how you can effectively execute them.